7:28pm February 19th, 2021 [Facebook]
Exciting times to be getting our Recreational programs back up and running Starting Monday, Feb 22nd. Can’t wait to see all these happy faces once again!
o REC starts back up on Feb 22nd, email reminders were sent out at the beginning of this week.
o Daily Wellness Checks are mandatory. You need to complete them prior to entering the gym (Required each time you enter) at: https://forms.gle/6UrDyv3RURzCq3eh7 or by using the QR Code (posted on doors) prior to entering the facility.
o Water bottles; please ensure all athletes come with a refillable water bottle
o Viewing area is closed until further notice as per AGF and GoA mandated restrictions
o Arrival for classes; please arrive as close to your class start time as possible
o No School, Gymnastics Rules – Friday, Feb 26th.
We promise to do our very best in getting everyone into the gym as quickly and safely as possible as we find our way once again and open back up from a 3-month shutdown.