6:13pm November 12th, 2020 [Facebook]
Hi everyone, first off, thank you for your patience as we worked through different scenarios on getting our viewing area open once again next week. I can tell you it has not been an easy task coming up with a team plan as the new viewing rules limit us in numbers, include several more processes, documentation of visitors, wellness checks and cleaning have certainly thrown a few curves balls our way. This is not an easy process to facilitate as there are so many things to consider and that need to be adhered to, as well, as an NFP, it does add additional costs and resources to make the space usable once again.
The viewing guidelines will be sent out on email (by tomorrow) and the procedures will need to be followed as outlined. This will also include 1 parent or guardian per athlete, as you can imagine with about 30 viewers maximum based on new seating options (no standing will be allowed, due to flow), allowing more than one person would simply make the space inaccessible to too many for those allowed.
The program, times, dates and procedures in place will be outlined on Friday’s email, it may not be perfect but we will go week to week to ensure everything is moving smoothly and we are capable of maintaining the space in a safe manner for everyone. If at any time we feel it is not working, we will take the steps necessary to adjust our plan (if we can) or look at temporarily closing the space. This is a large undertaking from our side just as it is from your side in following the new processes – Thank you and watch for more details on this and other gym news – GPGC