Grande Prairie Gymnastics


4:55pm May 27th, 2020 [Facebook]

These are changing times and we can promise you we are working hard to get everyone back in the gym safely but until we can, we are launching our On-line Classes! It’s about time right!

We appreciate your patience as we learn to do things differently. On-line classes will start next week and will be a combination of different classes, coaches, days and times. It is work in progress, we will have 5-7 classes starting next week and will have new classes each week moving forward. We would LOVE your support in signing up for these classes with one of the options below:

o One Single Class
o Two Classes per week (8 per month)
o Unlimited Classes per week (unlimited per month)

We will upload the registration link with all the details as soon as it’s ready (within the next 24 hours).
The Gym misses you! Can’t wait to see everyone on-line!

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