12:13am September 11th, 2020 [Facebook]
Hey everyone, we are hoping to get this worked out (our viewing area opened up) but having it open needs monitoring full time, tracking of all visitors with wellness checks, temperatures, and cleaning the space. This is a task we need to work on further and find the team to oversee it each day. Unfortunately, this is a reality we are in and testing it over the weekend was not to see who may or may not follow the rules but it was to see how much work it would be for us as a team. We promise to continue working on this and see how we can get you back in.
PS: Our Wellness Form can be filled out the morning/day of arrival for each class prior to coming to the gym. It can be found on our web page along with our gym details (how its changed and what to expect) under the “ABOUT” tab, then under “COVID-19”
Thank you!